Aug 18, 2011

Today's notes

Today we finished Unit 1.1 in math, and the students worked on number sequences (les séquences).  Some of them are a bit trickier (like 549, ____, _____,  552, ____, ______, ...)

The Homework packet for math (Unit 1) will be sent home tomorrow, so look for those!

PYP and Communication Arts
We started on our first chapter of "Les Sept Habitudes des Enfants Heureux" (Seven Habits of Happy Kids), and the students have received their first vocabulary list.  Their homework for tonight is to copy each of the words in order to prepare for their upcoming spelling test.

vouloir :  to want
lire :  to read
jouer de la guitare : to play the guitar
faire du sport:  to play sports
peindre: to paint
dessiner: to draw
bricoler:  to fix things
se déguiser : to dress up
faire du vélo : ride a bicycle
nager : to swim
sauter à la corde : to jump rope

The kids are about ready to stage a sit-in for afternoon snack.  Is there a parent who would like to organize a snack rotation with our classroom parents?  

Name badges have been made for SLLIS kids.  These are used for breakfast and lunch counts (to help our lunch line run efficiently).  Please make sure that these stay in the notes pouch of the classeur, or another safe place in your home.

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