Aug 16, 2011

First day of 2nd grade!

We had a great first day of school!   The kids in 2B started to get to know each other in the morning with name games and songs.  They met our French intern, M. Adrien, and our helper-for-the-day, Mme. Nadia (Kindergarten TA).  They traced their hands and drew or wrote things about themselves that make them unique.  We also went over our hopes and dreams for the school year, and started our notebooks.  Kids at each table voted on a table name, and worked on a poster design for their new équipe.  In our closing meeting, our students shared their favorite parts of the day.  Several said "tout."  It was a lot of fun!

Tomorrow is PE day for our students, which means they should wear polo shirts and sneakers.

Here is the breakdown of our week, in terms of specialist

Monday: Library
Tuesday:  Music
Wednesday & Thursday:  P.E. (Polo shirts and sneakers)
Friday: Art

Formal days (blazers) are Fridays. Every day (but PE days) students should wear a tie and button-down shirt.  Make sure to label all new clothes!

Click here to view our class schedule (google doc)

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