Mar 29, 2012

Under Three Flags

Thursday, our grade 2 students had a real treat... They got to meet an author who has written about St. Louis history... Maureen Hoessle, author of "Under Three Flags," answered our students' thoughtful questions about history and writing books.

I just learned from Madame Christa (our English Teacher) that discounted copies of "Under Three Flags" will be available from the author for $10 (list price: $14.95).  Please let us know if you are interested in purchasing a copy.

April 18 Field Trip to Mastodon State Park

Permission slips have been sent home for our April 18th field trip to Mastodon State Park. This trip enhances our new unit of inquiry. Please let your child's teacher know if you need another copy!

Mar 28, 2012

The Symphony Visits Grade 2

In music class, our second grade students are enjoying learning about instruments from the experts - musicians from the St. Louis Symphony!  This ongoing program was organized by Madame Michelle, and helps bring loaner instruments and expert musicians into our music classroom. 

Mar 13, 2012

Students working hard on their projects!

We have begun our final projects for our current unit of inquiry on rights of children around the world. The students are preparing to be "risk-takers" and will present their work to students in Kindergarten and 1st grades.