Happy New Year to our Grade 2 families!
We hope you got to spend some time with your families over winter break, and that you are ready for a wonderful 2012!
To kick of the new year, how about joining Madame Wilson and Madame Jennifer in our support of the Read, Right and Run program? This is part of the Go St. Louis Marathon, where they encourage students to read 26 books, do 26 good deeds, and run 26 miles! Don't worry, the running will be covered by Mr. Francois in gym class :) The kick-off event is a pajama party on Friday, January 6, where Mr. Conrad will read two books - one in English and one in French. Invitations went out today in binders.
The 2nd grade lead teachers will be walking the half-marathon (13 miles!) so we are getting excited to meet this goal. You can register your child for the Read, Right and Run program through January 6. If you need a registration form, they are available at the front desk, or email your child's teacher.
Speaking of teachers... the 2nd grade team has grown a bit in the new year. We would like to welcome Rémi Corpelet, who will be joining Madame Jennifer's class as an assistant teacher. Madame Virginie will become the assistant teacher in Madame Wilson's class, and with Madame Maimouna returned from her trip to Sénégal, each second grade class now has an intern too! We are very excited about the impact this increased staffing will have on student learning.
Field Trip permission slips will be coming home this week for our field trip to the St. Louis Symphony to see the Magic Flute in February. Madame Michelle's Donors Choose project grant is subsidizing some of the cost of the trip, so the student contribution is $5.
Water bottles
Keeping hydrated is important! Please make sure your child has a water bottle for school... labeled with his/her name please!