Jun 9, 2012
Last week, the St. Louis Public Library came to visit our school to talk about their summer reading program "Dream Big: Read." This free program allows children to earn prizes for the number of books that they read. This is a fun and easy way to keep reading in the spotlight during the summer. For more information, stop by your local branch, or visit their "Dream Big: Read" program page at http://previous.slpl.org/kidzone/SRC/Kids/src2012kid.htm
The library also has fun (and free!) activities for families over the summer, like the "Big Science at the Library" event, or "Creatures Stirring after Midnight" with the St. Louis Zoo.
Apr 29, 2012
Our trip to Mastodon State Historic Site
NWEA Testing
Please note the upcoming NWEA Testing Dates for our third and final test this year:
For Madame Wilson's Class:
Tuesday, May 2 at 11:45 a.m.
Monday, May 14 at 9:30 a.m.
For Madame Jennifer's Class:
Tuesday, May 15 at 1:15 p.m.
Wednesday, May 16 at 1:15 p.m.
Please make sure that your child is at school on testing days! To help your child do his/her best, it is a good idea to make sure that they have a good night's sleep, a healthy breakfast/lunch, and are feeling good about themselves. :)
Musique? Mais Oui!
The Fête de la Musique is THIS Thursday, starting at 6:00 p.m. Children (all but Kdg.) should meet directly in the gym. Kindergarten classes meet in their classrooms. This should be a fun, meaningful event, and I know the students are really excited to share their songs with you!
A Pet-sitter for the Summer
Madame Jennifer's class pets are looking for a family willing to show them some love over the summer. They are easy to care for, and will provide hours of entertainment in exchange for your efforts. Email jennifer@sllis.org if you are interested in more information.
Open House
Thank you for all who visited our new school location over the weekend. We are really excited for the new space at 19th and Olive. Please email any additional questions/comments/concerns that you may have to conrad@sllis.org .
Please note the upcoming NWEA Testing Dates for our third and final test this year:
For Madame Wilson's Class:
Tuesday, May 2 at 11:45 a.m.
Monday, May 14 at 9:30 a.m.
For Madame Jennifer's Class:
Tuesday, May 15 at 1:15 p.m.
Wednesday, May 16 at 1:15 p.m.
Please make sure that your child is at school on testing days! To help your child do his/her best, it is a good idea to make sure that they have a good night's sleep, a healthy breakfast/lunch, and are feeling good about themselves. :)
Musique? Mais Oui!
The Fête de la Musique is THIS Thursday, starting at 6:00 p.m. Children (all but Kdg.) should meet directly in the gym. Kindergarten classes meet in their classrooms. This should be a fun, meaningful event, and I know the students are really excited to share their songs with you!
A Pet-sitter for the Summer
Madame Jennifer's class pets are looking for a family willing to show them some love over the summer. They are easy to care for, and will provide hours of entertainment in exchange for your efforts. Email jennifer@sllis.org if you are interested in more information.
Open House
Thank you for all who visited our new school location over the weekend. We are really excited for the new space at 19th and Olive. Please email any additional questions/comments/concerns that you may have to conrad@sllis.org .
Apr 23, 2012
Fête de la Musique Postponed
he TFS Fête de la Musique, originally scheduled for this Thursday will be POSTPONED until next Thursday, May 3rd.
It will run from 6 – 8 p.m.
Apr 4, 2012
Mar 29, 2012
Under Three Flags
Thursday, our grade 2 students had a real treat... They got to meet an author who has written about St. Louis history... Maureen Hoessle, author of "Under Three Flags," answered our students' thoughtful questions about history and writing books.
I just learned from Madame Christa (our English Teacher) that discounted copies of "Under Three Flags" will be available from the author for $10 (list price: $14.95). Please let us know if you are interested in purchasing a copy.
I just learned from Madame Christa (our English Teacher) that discounted copies of "Under Three Flags" will be available from the author for $10 (list price: $14.95). Please let us know if you are interested in purchasing a copy.
April 18 Field Trip to Mastodon State Park
Permission slips have been sent home for our April 18th field trip to Mastodon State Park. This trip enhances our new unit of inquiry. Please let your child's teacher know if you need another copy!
Mar 28, 2012
The Symphony Visits Grade 2
In music class, our second grade students are enjoying learning about instruments from the experts - musicians from the St. Louis Symphony! This ongoing program was organized by Madame Michelle, and helps bring loaner instruments and expert musicians into our music classroom.
Mar 13, 2012
Students working hard on their projects!
We have begun our final projects for our current unit of inquiry on rights of children around the world. The students are preparing to be "risk-takers" and will present their work to students in Kindergarten and 1st grades.
Feb 19, 2012
Presidents day Monday- No school!
This is a reminder that we do not have school Monday in observance of Presidents Day.
Feb 14, 2012
No School Friday and Monday
Please note that there is no school on Friday this week (for conferences) or Monday (for Presidents Day).
Speed Stacking Fun this Saturday
Join us for the Family Speed Stacking Workshop on Saturday, February 18th from 9:00-10:30 am in the SLLIS gym. There are several speed stackers in Grade 2, and the kids were REALLY excited when they have saw demonstrations in class.
Speed Stacking also known as Sport Stacking is an internationally-practiced sport where competitors stack specially-designed cups up and down in set patterns. Studies have shown it's good for improving concentration and eye-hand coordination, but we love it because it's fun!
In June, SLLIS will host a tournament that will bring competitors from around the country looking to set records, qualify for the Junior Olympics and just have a great time. Anyone can compete, but you've got to know how. Come to this workshop and learn the basic competition stacks and play some games. Parents and caregivers must stay with their children. As it says on every tournament application, "After all, the family that stacks together, stays together." Cups will be provided and you will have the opportunity to purchase your own cups. Please contact Lisa Berman at 398-6839 with any questions.
Feb 8, 2012
We had a great time at the symphony today! Thanks again to Madame Michelle and her Donor's choose donors for making it happen. I think the students loved the performance... Warning: you might hear some attempts at opera singing tonight!
Feb 7, 2012
Grade 2 Field Trip Tomorrow! (and other updates)
The St. Louis Symphony
Tomorrow, February 8 is our 2nd grade field trip to the St. Louis Symphony! We are very excited to get this opportunity to introduce our students to a live orchestral performance of the Magic Flute.
Our Unit of Inquiry
Our fourth unit of inquiry has begun: "Children of the world have rights and responsibilities." We started this unit with a small group brainstorm about things that children around the world have in common. After making a master list of ideas, we read and discussed a book about schools around the world, to both inform and inspire students to ask more questions.
Spelling Words
The words of the week are found on List 13.
aujourd'hui : today
autour : around
beaucoup: a lot (note: beaucoup de = a lot of)
douze : twelve
sous : under
Practice these, and previous lists to help your child become a more autonomous reader and writer in French!
Book Fair
Next week is the TFS book fair! We are so excited to have this opportunity to order books in French. Please consider volunteering an hour of your time to help distribute the workload. There is a link to sign up in your email, and we have re-posted it below for your convenience.
New Student
We welcomed a new student in 2B last week, Christen Moliwolo has joined Madame Jennifer's class. She has just moved here from New Jersey, and is making new friends all over the place!
Have a great week!
Tomorrow, February 8 is our 2nd grade field trip to the St. Louis Symphony! We are very excited to get this opportunity to introduce our students to a live orchestral performance of the Magic Flute.
Our Unit of Inquiry
Our fourth unit of inquiry has begun: "Children of the world have rights and responsibilities." We started this unit with a small group brainstorm about things that children around the world have in common. After making a master list of ideas, we read and discussed a book about schools around the world, to both inform and inspire students to ask more questions.
Spelling Words
The words of the week are found on List 13.
aujourd'hui : today
autour : around
beaucoup: a lot (note: beaucoup de = a lot of)
douze : twelve
sous : under
Practice these, and previous lists to help your child become a more autonomous reader and writer in French!
Book Fair
Next week is the TFS book fair! We are so excited to have this opportunity to order books in French. Please consider volunteering an hour of your time to help distribute the workload. There is a link to sign up in your email, and we have re-posted it below for your convenience.
New Student
We welcomed a new student in 2B last week, Christen Moliwolo has joined Madame Jennifer's class. She has just moved here from New Jersey, and is making new friends all over the place!
Have a great week!
Book fair,
Field Trip,
Feb 2, 2012
Volunteers Needed for Book Fair
Please consider donating an hour of your time of February 16, 17 or April 19 to help with the French School Book Fair. This fair helps bring hard-to-find French language books directly to kids - in their homes, in the classrooms, and on library shelves. Parents can sign-up using the link below.
You do not need to get a password but simply input your email so that the automated system can send you a reminder of your commitment.
Here is a link to sign up for the book fair:
You do not need to get a password but simply input your email so that the automated system can send you a reminder of your commitment.
Here is a link to sign up for the book fair:
Field trip reminder
Just a reminder that grade 2 students will be heading to the symphony on February 8.
Jan 22, 2012
Spelling words and a Few Reminders
Spelling words
Here are the new spelling words for this week:
ou (or)
pour (for)
pourtant (but, however)
pourquoi (why)
Don't forget to review previous lists as well!
The Magic Flute
This is a reminder that field trip permission slips are due for our upcoming field trip to the St. Louis Symphony. Please make sure to send yours back (along with $5 cash or check made out to SLLIS) so your child can come with us to the symphony on February 8.
Six Flags Read to Succeed
Keep up that reading! Six Flags reading logs are due in early February. Make sure you are keeping track of any books you read with your child, so that he/she can earn a free ticket to Six Flags this summer.
Early to bed, early to rise...
With the winter cold and flu season here, please make sure your child is getting plenty of sleep to help keep his/her immune system strong. Children ages 5 - 12 should get between 10 and 11 hours of sleep per night. http://www.parents.com/baby/sleep/basics/age-by-age-guide/ This is also a good time of the year to increase vigilance with hand-washing, particularly before meals. Note: If your child does have a fever, he/she must stay home until they are no longer running a fever (without medication) for at least 24 hours.
Here are the new spelling words for this week:
ou (or)
pour (for)
pourtant (but, however)
pourquoi (why)
Don't forget to review previous lists as well!
The Magic Flute
This is a reminder that field trip permission slips are due for our upcoming field trip to the St. Louis Symphony. Please make sure to send yours back (along with $5 cash or check made out to SLLIS) so your child can come with us to the symphony on February 8.
Six Flags Read to Succeed
Keep up that reading! Six Flags reading logs are due in early February. Make sure you are keeping track of any books you read with your child, so that he/she can earn a free ticket to Six Flags this summer.
Early to bed, early to rise...
Jan 10, 2012
Immersion Celebration Help Needed
Dear Second Grade Parents:
We are currently looking for volunteers to help organize/execute this year’s Immersion Celebration. As you may remember this event marks the passing of 18 months since last year's kindergarten students have been in our program. We have a ceremony during the school day where each of the current first graders and any other students who started with us in August 2009 receive a certificate.
This is a celebration for the first graders. However, we are hoping to tap into your invaluable insight and start a new tradition. Given most kindergarten parents are not familiar with this event and most first grade parents would like to share this time with their child, we are proposing that the 2nd grade parents will not only volunteer to help out, but be excited about the opportunity to use their previous years experience to create a memorable moment for 1st grade families. You know better than anybody what worked and what can be done (if anything) to make the event better. Each year we’d like to pass the torch to the previous year’s first grade parents, and so on. I personally vow to chair the committee next year (did I just do that in writingJ).
The event is scheduled for February 24th so we would like to get a meeting scheduled the week of January 23rd. Please contact me directly if you can help.
Sherri Brown (parent of Ayla Delaney TFS 1st grade)
We are currently looking for volunteers to help organize/execute this year’s Immersion Celebration. As you may remember this event marks the passing of 18 months since last year's kindergarten students have been in our program. We have a ceremony during the school day where each of the current first graders and any other students who started with us in August 2009 receive a certificate.
This is a celebration for the first graders. However, we are hoping to tap into your invaluable insight and start a new tradition. Given most kindergarten parents are not familiar with this event and most first grade parents would like to share this time with their child, we are proposing that the 2nd grade parents will not only volunteer to help out, but be excited about the opportunity to use their previous years experience to create a memorable moment for 1st grade families. You know better than anybody what worked and what can be done (if anything) to make the event better. Each year we’d like to pass the torch to the previous year’s first grade parents, and so on. I personally vow to chair the committee next year (did I just do that in writingJ).
The event is scheduled for February 24th so we would like to get a meeting scheduled the week of January 23rd. Please contact me directly if you can help.
Sherri Brown (parent of Ayla Delaney TFS 1st grade)
Jan 3, 2012
Bonne Année!
Happy New Year to our Grade 2 families!
We hope you got to spend some time with your families over winter break, and that you are ready for a wonderful 2012!
To kick of the new year, how about joining Madame Wilson and Madame Jennifer in our support of the Read, Right and Run program? This is part of the Go St. Louis Marathon, where they encourage students to read 26 books, do 26 good deeds, and run 26 miles! Don't worry, the running will be covered by Mr. Francois in gym class :) The kick-off event is a pajama party on Friday, January 6, where Mr. Conrad will read two books - one in English and one in French. Invitations went out today in binders.
The 2nd grade lead teachers will be walking the half-marathon (13 miles!) so we are getting excited to meet this goal. You can register your child for the Read, Right and Run program through January 6. If you need a registration form, they are available at the front desk, or email your child's teacher.
Speaking of teachers... the 2nd grade team has grown a bit in the new year. We would like to welcome Rémi Corpelet, who will be joining Madame Jennifer's class as an assistant teacher. Madame Virginie will become the assistant teacher in Madame Wilson's class, and with Madame Maimouna returned from her trip to Sénégal, each second grade class now has an intern too! We are very excited about the impact this increased staffing will have on student learning.
Field Trip permission slips will be coming home this week for our field trip to the St. Louis Symphony to see the Magic Flute in February. Madame Michelle's Donors Choose project grant is subsidizing some of the cost of the trip, so the student contribution is $5.
Water bottles
Keeping hydrated is important! Please make sure your child has a water bottle for school... labeled with his/her name please!
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